Faith Formation

St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church | Martinsville, Indiana

Mission Statement

We joyfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in Southern Morgan County by living His mission of mercy, hope and salvation.

St. Martin of Tours Parish through its educational programs strives to make the development of the Catholic faith a lifelong process, by teaching the truths of Jesus Christ as revealed by Christ in sacred Scripture and through the magisterium of the Church, and by providing programs that will give deeper faith and spiritual growth through understanding of basic Catholic beliefs.

Faith Formation Advisory Committee Goals

Our goals are to give support to and serve as advisory group for the Administrator of Religious Education. We are liaisons to the board for the catechists, with each member assigned 3-4 catechists to assist in any way possible. We coordinate the first communion reception and the catechists’ brunch and provide assistance at the first communion retreat and vacation bible school if needed.


Religious Education

Religious Education (R.E.) for students grades pre-K through 8th grade Confirmation begins on Sunday, September 8th 2024, and runs from 8:30am to 9:50am. R.E. ends Sunday, April 13th, 2025.

Breaks coincide with the Martinsville school district. Registration forms and schedules will be mailed to parents who had children in pre-K through 7th grades last year in late July/early August.

Detailed schedules for 2024/2025 are available now, contact if you would like one.

High School R.E. and activities meet through the school year, monthly on Sunday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm  with an occasional addition activity such as Retreats and outings as they become available. See the Bulletin for detailed information.

Contact information

Administrator of Religious Education and Youth Ministry
Deacon Tim Harte

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study begins
Monday, Sept. 9th and runs
every other Monday from
6:00pm until 7:30pm.
Dr. Jason Winkle will share his expertise and present
the Gospel of John. We will meet in church for the first
few sessions. Contact with any questions.

Additional information on a morning class, day of the week and hours will be provided in the near future.
This is a continuous bible study–feel free to join in at any time.
Contact Deacon Tim at (765) 342-6379 or for more information


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a series of meetings that explain Catholic Christianity. Anyone interested in increasing their knowledge, or obtaining additional knowledge about the Catholic faith, is invited to contact either Deacon Tim Harte or Fr. Steve Giannini at (765) 342-6379. You do not need to be a member of the Catholic Church or join the church to attend.

RCIA Has Begun

Our RCIA (Rite of Christian

Initiation of Adults) Program sessions will meet

on Mondays @6:30pm in the parish office.

If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to join

the class please email Father Steve

Ladies Faith Group

Ladies Faith Group will meet every other Tuesday from 6:30 pm until 8:00/8:30.  Meetings will be held in the R.E. building.  Watch church calendars in the bulletin. Refer any questions to Chris Urbanowski.  Contact Chris Urbanowski
(765) 342-6379 or email

The ladies’ faith group is open to all women parishioners. This group seeks to promote a sense of community and support as we develop our Catholic spirituality through reading, reflecting, praying, sharing, and exploring our faith experiences.  No preparation is required prior to attending meetings. We read a selected book together during meetings, and then discuss what we’ve read and explore how it impacts our faith journey. Topics discussed vary and discussions are informal. Meeting attendance is flexible. If you are unable to attend consistently, that is okay. You are always welcome to join us.