Altar Society

St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church | Martinsville, Indiana

St. Martin of Tours Altar Society is a service organization with the mission to coordinate many ongoing projects that fill the needs of our Parish and to represent our Parish in the community for the honor and glory of God. Our primary service is the care of the Altars and Sanctuary.  Our annual fundraiser, a Spaghetti Supper is held in January. In March, we host a morning Mini-Retreat for all ladies of the parish. Each May, we host a Ladies’ Spring Celebration. Every year we sponsor the Christmas Giving Tree. Watch the bulletin for these special events and dates.  There is always need for volunteers. Please consider helping with any or all of the events above as well as the Ministries listed below. 
All ladies of the parish are considered members. You are invited to join us! Your support and participation are welcomed and appreciated. Annual dues of $5.00 are collected in the month of July to support our ministries. Dues are payable through either the envelopes provided and placed in the collection basket or through Online Giving through the parish website. (Dues accepted any time of year.)

The Altar society meets on the SECOND Thursday of most months at 6:30 p.m. in Sexton Hall. Please check the monthly parish calendar and the weekly bulletin for confirmation of meetings. We hope to see you there!

Officers July 2024 – June 2025

  • President: Helen Smith 
  • Vice-President: Carol Schaaf
  • Secretary: Karen Cox
  • Treasurer: Bev Kitchen

Altar Society Ministries

Christmas Giving Tree

 Each year on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, the Altar Society places a Giving Tree near the Baptismal Font, with suggestions for gifts to local Seniors and Families in need of extra Christmas Cheer. Parishioners choose a card, wrap and prepare their present and return it to church. 

Altar Linen Care

  • If you care to help with altar linen care call Helen Smith or call Lynne Kluesner at the Parish Office 765-342-6379

Baptismal Bibs

Chairperson: Carol Schaaf
All babies baptized will receive a commemorative bib. If you would like to help embroider the Baptismal Bibs, call Carol, or call the Parish Office (765) 342-6379.

Server Robes

Chairperson: Helen Smith
Server robes are laundered 3-4 times a year, or as needed. If you could assist this ministry call Helen, or call the Parish Office (765) 342-6379 (7 robes = 1 load)

Funeral Meals

Chairpersons: Bev Kitchen and Karen Cox

Funeral meals are prepared and served in Sexton Hall. Our ladies cook and serve the funeral meals.  Volunteers are needed to help with this ministry. Home made desserts are needed for each funeral meal. To donate desserts or help prepare and/or serve funeral meals call Bev or Karen, or call the parish office at (765) 342-6379.

Cookie Bake for KAIROS Prison Retreat Ministry

Semi-annually (April & October) 100 dozen cookies are baked and packaged in Sexton Hall for use in prison retreats through the Kairos Prison Ministry. Call Chairperson Helen, or call the Parish Office (765) 342-6379 to participate in this sweet ministry.